When you hire Missy Edwards Strategies you have access to a bi-partisan team that understands government at all levels and is focused on delivering client outcomes.  Each team member has served in senior roles in government, providing the knowledge and the know-how to achieve results for our clients

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Missy Edwards

Founder and CEO
Missy Edwards is the founding principal of Missy Edwards Strategies, one of the first women owned lobbying firms in Washington DC. Since its founding in 2010 Ms. Edwards has brought a strategic, experienced and bi-partisan approach to her client work. She represents a broad range of Fortune 500 clients concentrating in tax, energy, infrastructure, transportation, real estate, and financial services.

A known expert in crafting and executing government relations and communications strategies Ms. Edwards is consistently called on to provide strategic policy guidance to some of the country’s top elected officials, corporations and trade associations on a wide range of issues. Passionate about advocating on behalf of her clients, Ms. Edwards provides her clients a unique perspective informed by her extensive policy and political background and focused on delivering wins.

Throughout her career, Ms. Edwards has dedicated significant time passionately serving on numerous Congressional and Presidential campaigns. She also sits on various Boards of Directors, including Horton’s Kids, the Trust for the Preservation of the National Mall, and the Women’s Democracy Network at IRI.

Richard Sullivan

Strategic Partner

Richard Sullivan is a partner with State Federal Strategies. Sullivan brings 30 years of a unique combination of policy, legislative and political experience to representation of the nation’s leading corporations and National Associations before Federal and State governmental entities. Sullivan has served in various leadership roles in the Democratic Party and with his broad background in both public policy and electoral politics; Sullivan has had tremendous success in representing corporate and business interests.

Sullivan has led federal and state legislative initiatives on technology, financial services, health care and energy related issues. Numerous of his successful advocacy efforts have been highlighted in leading print outlets such as the Wall Street JournalNew York Times and Washington Post. Sullivan has served at the highest level of volunteer leadership positions in the National Democratic Party. Sullivan served as Senior Advisor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2018 as they successfully regained a Majority in the US House of Representatives.

richard sullivan
Missy Edwards Strategies - Washington DC Lobbying Firm - Capitol Photo

The Macon Edwards Company

Strategic Partner

The Macon Edwards Company (MEC) is a bipartisan full service government relations firm located just blocks from the U.S. Capitol.  We offer strategic government affairs, political analysis and consulting services.

Clients benefit from the relationships we have developed over the last four plus decades with Congress, the Administration and the regulatory agencies.  Whether it’s to advocate or oppose legislation, the MEC has experience in message development, private sector coalition building, direct lobbying, and forming effective partnerships with federal agencies.

The Macon Edwards Company maintains its boutique size to offer clients custom tailored strategy with unfettered access to the firm’s partners. Combined, we have decades of experience representing start-ups to major trade associations and Fortune 500 companies.